Feline Frustration

Recently we had a tiny visitor, a small birdie that landed on the railing of the porch and chirped merrily away. He trilled and gurgled and in general made a great deal of noise for such a tiny guy.

Birdie - header

He soon had a very appreciative audience.

Birdie - audience

They held an executive conference.

Birdie - conference

And Cheney was nominated for the honors of capture. Much bellowing and yelling ensued, while Alfie cheered him on from the sidelines, making that amazing hunting noise cats make.   Unfortunately for him, the pet proof screen we put in last year foiled the master plan. Them pet proof screens are amazing. They’ve destroyed several regular ones over the years mainly by hanging off them like Christmas ornaments off a tree.

Birdie - leaping at the screen

Tweaks just watched impassively. She’s been down that road already.

Tweaks watching

And the birdie – didn’t even react. Just went about his chipper business. Cool customer that birdie.

Birdie - close up

P.S. The screens are available here. The service is awesome – they just come to your house with a truck and the screen fabric and install it on the spot. Well worth not having to replace screens every month.