Smart AND purty


Me:  Honey, I’m just buying some tickets to Cuba for my family, and I’m being lobbied pretty hard to go with. What do you think?

Him (hurriedly): GO! Go have fun. I’ll even pay.

Me: ???

Him: Just go relax on the beach, get lots of rest and come home in a good mood for summer.

Me: Why have I been that bitchy lately?

Him: Well, maybe just a bit… on second thought…

I can sense him being all diplomatic and for a second I feel bad that he has to tiptoe around my possible mood swings lately, but people I haven’t had a vacation since the fall. And in my universe that’s just a bit too long. Winter is over, I’ve got cabin fever and the closest road trip we’ve got on the horizon is Vancouver Island sometime in July. So I took him at his word and am flying out to celebrate my aunt’s fiftieth birthday on a beach in the tropics, the way they’re meant to be celebrated.

See y’all in a week!